A DESIGNER couldn’t see through her tears after her name was called out as the winner of a prestigious industry award.

Sandy Armitage, 61, a Colchester-based designer is proud to have won the National Environmental Champion of the Year Award at this year's BIKBBI Annual Awards.

She has decades of experience and now has a big focus on sustainable interior design.

Gazette: Proud - Sandy Armitage with her award at the ceremonyProud - Sandy Armitage with her award at the ceremony (Image: Sandy Armitage)

The award recognises her contribution to the industry, where she uses recycled furniture to give it a complete new lease of life.

Being nominated for the award was a big moment for her, but to win was a complete shock she never expected.

She said: “It’s amazing, I’ve come back down to the ground, but I just didn’t think I was going to get it.

“There was so much love in the room it was great.

“I was thinking about the things I have won in my life. I won a pocket camera 40 years ago, I won a fancy dress competition at the local pub but I haven’t won anything since.

Gazette: Special - Sandy Armitage's BIKBBI awardSpecial - Sandy Armitage's BIKBBI award (Image: Sandy Armitage)

“I really wanted the environmental champion award because it’s recognition, it means the world and it means that I’m visible and I’ve been appreciated.

“I bawled my eyes out when my name was called out, everyone was laughing at me as I could hardly see from crying.

“I tripped up while I was walking towards the stage because I couldn’t see where I was going because of the tears.

“I was happy just to be a finalist. I was honoured to have been nominated and I expected to come home exactly that.

Gazette: Unique - example of Sandy Armitage's design workUnique - example of Sandy Armitage's design work (Image: Sandy Armitage)

“I feel as though I’ve won a green Oscar. For the industry, BIKKBI is a very respected body, so to be recognised like that is astonishing.”

Looking forward, she hopes to be able to teach others about the benefits of sustainable interiors.

She said: “I’m interested to see how this award may open doors for me to working with companies and education bodies to teach the next generation of designers to help them think about things differently.

“It would be good to give them the benefit of my experience.”