Battle of the bands was a hit !

On Monday the 29th and Tuesday the 30th of January, Battle of the Bands took place a t the Three Wise Monkeys in Colchester ,Essex. Bands from all across Colchester and further took place and battled it out to win their competitive heats to then compete in the finals in a few weeks time. 

On the first evening, the event was filled with all tickets being sold and people actually being turned away at the door due to all the tickets being sold. The whole space was alive and crowded with young people, band members, supporters and members of the public. The event was a part of Independent venue week and even led to ITV news visiting the venue on the first night of Battle of the Bands in support of Independent venue week. There was a lot of excitement on the first night including some crowd surfing from older bands that attended the event.

However on the second evening, it was not as busy and allowed people a bit more space to breathe which I was incredibly grateful for. The evening was just as action packed and fun as the first evening but was definitely a lot safer and chilled out in certain aspects. There definitely wasn’t as long a wait to get to the front of the bar. The band I am a part of ‘Just 4’ were also playing on this second evening and won our heat alongside ‘Broken promises’ and both bands are now through to the finals against the two winners of the first heat. 

For the finals, Band’s are to create an original song as well as prepare two cover songs to perform. The competition is tough but everyone is going to give it there all to become the winners of Battle of the Bands 2024. Are you interested in a cheap night out with some amazing live music of upcoming bands in the Colchester area? Make sure to follow @blackcactusstudio on Instagram to receive the latest updates on the event that Black Cactus has organised. 

I wish everyone the best of luck for the finals and just can’t wait to see who wins !