PLANS to add rear extensions to a Colchester house and split it into two units have been thrown out by council bosses.

Applicants submitted documents to Colchester Council in July 2023 asking to divide 95 Nayland Road into two separate properties. 

The proposals, however, have now been rejected on the grounds the development is “contrary” to national and local planning policies.

Council bosses also cited the application’s parking provision as a reason for refusal.

The suggested three parking spaces for the site were deemed to be below minimum for a development of this nature.

A Colchester Council spokesman said: “The failure to address the aforementioned local plan policy requirements is considered to result in a poor quality development that would be lacking in terms of adequate on-site parking in the interests of being functional and sustainable development.”

Essex Highways had recommended the plans be refused prior to the official decision being made.

A Highways spokesman said the proposal failed “to provide sufficient depth of frontage” as well as being unable to “align at right angles addressing the highway”.

This, the spokesman said, would likely lead to excessive manoeuvring in the access and within the highway, causing conditions of danger, obstruction or congestion”.