PLANS to axe facilities at a country park have been reversed.

The closure of the visitor centre at High Woods Country Park in Colchester and cuts to park ranger staffing were among the cost-cutting measures debated at the city council’s budget setting meeting on Wednesday.

Highwoods councillor Jocelyn Law campaigned to protect the facilities at the popular beauty spot and was “really concerned” when the proposals surfaced.

She said: “I went to the cabinet meeting in January to point out the risks. Sadly, I’m aware of anti-social behaviour, vandalism and flytipping that has occurred.

“Inadequate staffing will lead to damage to our country park and could discourage visitors.”

Gazette: Campaign - Jocelyn Law in High Woods Country ParkCampaign - Jocelyn Law in High Woods Country Park (Image: Jocelyn Law)

The country park’s popular play area re-opened in December after a major refurbishment, and with fishing and popular trails and walks the park is visited by residents and visitors from further afield too.

Ms Law added: “As a mum I know how lucky my kids were to grow up playing in High Woods Country Park.

“I’m pleased I’ve played a part in helping other kids look forward to enjoying that in the future, too.”

Colchester Council documents reveal the proposed changes at the country part could’ve saved the authority £16,500 in the first year.