[Spoilers ahead for All of us strangers]  

All of us strangers stars Paul Mescal and Andrew Scott in the recent film by Andrew Haigh. It tells the gripping tale of love and loneliness from the perspective of Andrew Scott’s character Adam as he traverses his relationship with his deceased parents and his budding love for Mescal’s character Harry.   

The film beautifully explores the idea of raw love between two people who randomly meet and how their love grows. Adam is a writer who tries to write about his dead parents who he lost at 12, on a chance encounter he meets his dad and his relationship with his dead parents is the explored with a much older Adam. It explores the awkward nature between child and parent talking about how things could have gone and what would have been said differently if possible. It also explores the tense relationship between parent and child and what it's like to come out as a gay man. Harry lives in the same apartment block as Adam and their relationship first blossoms after the fire alarm is set off. Harry is also a lonely person and extremely unhappy, as the story continues more is revealed into Harry’s inter relations with his own family, being rigid with him describing himself as a ‘stranger’ to his own family which is furthered by him coming out to his family. 

 Both characters at their core are shown to be lonely people, for Harry that is being estranged from his family for being openly gay and them rejecting him for it, for Adam his parent's death left him an orphan at 12 and later in life he closed himself off leaving him alone. Their deep connection and understanding for each other is pivotal in breaking them out of their personal isolation and breaching the gap.  

For me personally, I felt the film at its core was about loneliness and love. This was presented beautifully, with Harry and Adam’s relationship growing as the film progressed from their first initial encounter all be it uncomfortable sparked their love which grew. The finale was the perfect ending for the film, Adam goes to Harry’s apartment to profess his love for him where he finds that he has been dead since they first met at the beginning of the film. The following minutes afterwards are some of the heaviest and most emotional in the film ending with the memorable shot of Paul and Andrew cradling each other in bed as the power of love plays as the camera slowly pans out until they become a star in the sky.