BOSSES at a college in Colchester have described a report from an education watchdog as a "ringing endorsement" of its "high quality" after being awarded a perfect score. 

The Sixth Form College, in North Hill, has received an ‘outstanding’ rating across the board following an inspection by Ofsted. 

During the visit, which lasted four days, a total of nine inspectors assessed the institution's quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management.

According to the report, they found “high-quality teaching by subject specialists” in “calm and highly focused learning environments that support and enable students to learn very effectively”. 

The inspectors also said “teachers are confident to try different approaches making teaching relevant and interesting” and staff have “high aspirations for what students will achieve and where they will move on to when they leave college”. 

Gazette: Colchester Sixth Form College, in North HillColchester Sixth Form College, in North Hill

Students were also found to be "very effectively equipped to make successful decisions to identify appropriate career choices and pathways” while behaving “exemplary”.

The report states pupils “quickly become empowered to take ownership of their futures and their place in society as active citizens". 

Parents were also asked to share their opinions of the college responding to the education watchdog’s questionnaires in large numbers and in an “overwhelmingly positive” fashion. 

Principal Ian MacNaughton has been left delighted with the result.

He said: “This Ofsted ‘outstanding’ judgement is a ringing endorsement to the ongoing high quality of the work here at The Sixth Form College.   

“We have all worked hard to sustain a very positive and inclusive ethos for many years and this has enormously contributed to the impressive success of our students.  

“Inspectors rightly identified the enormous contribution of excellent pastoral care and support and enrichment activities in this success; it’s always been central to what we do”. 

“I must, of course, take the opportunity to thank our fantastic team of staff: we have, for many years, benefitted so much from a team of committed professionals, very skilled at working with students this age.  

“We believe that our students respond very positively and contribute significantly to the calm and focused young adult environment that staff have built here at the college – and this provides fantastic opportunities for our students to make the most of their talents and skills and foster their personal development and wellbeing.  

“Our students certainly benefit from a very high quality sixth form experience and it’s great to have this recognised so resoundingly by Ofsted.”