A NEW bespoke "high end" clinic has opened its doors in Colchester's city centre inspired by a woman's experience of living with alopecia. 

The Be the Best You Clinic, in St John's Street, has been opened by 22-year-old Georgia King. 

The clinic offers semi-permanent make up and aesthetic treatments, with big plans to expand on services as the business grows.

Georgia decided to open the clinic, after living with Alopecia and finding it difficult to find the right support.

She said: “I never had any confidence in school, never had the confidence to really put myself out there.

“After having my eyebrows tattooed, the confidence that gave me, I knew instantly I wanted to give that to other people."

Georgia has much experience in the beauty industry, and previously rented a room at Colchester Aesthetics and Beauty, located next door to her new salon.

After moving on from the salon, Georgia ventured to Brentwood with the aim of reaching her target audience.

She quickly found that word of mouth about her treatments was spreading around Colchester, so she came back to open the Be the Best You Clinic.

Georgia’s main goal is to offer a personal and comforting experience to her clients, by allowing all visitors to the clinic time to really get to know her.

“I think by having my own space, where I’m always floating around, people can get to know me and build a bond with me,” she said.

Georgia understands the line that can’t be crossed in professional relationships and aims to always keep professional but friendly relationships with all visitors to the clinic.

“People have got to trust you, I want them to feel they can tell me anything,” she added.

A lot of time, effort and thought has gone into the lengthy renovation of her new clinic, including lots of gold accents and clean, simplistic touches to create a calming environment.

She said: “It’s a very bespoke, high-end clinic, I want to target a certain audience because the treatments are quite expensive, so we want to mirror that luxury experience in our clinic’s presentation.

“When you pay a lot of money on a holiday, you wouldn’t want to turn up and the place be less than you were expecting.

“You want to know where your money has gone, and we want to offer that to our clients."

Although it’s called ‘semi-permanent’ make up, the tattooing does last a very long time and Georgia understands the important foundation of trust that must form between a clinician and client.

“I want to offer a platform that shows semi-permanent make up can look natural,

“I’d love my clinic to be a hub, a girly environment, but also an educational environment – which is why we have such a large reception area."

Georgia has big plans for the clinic and hopes to one day offer educational workshops and open consultation days, to educate future clients on the work that’s done at her clinic.

As well as this, Georgia hopes to improve the clinic by offering sport massage, physio therapy and women’s health checks in the future.

“I never knew where to go for help with my health conditions and Alopecia, so in time I hope to be the place where people struggling with similar issues come for support,” Georgia added.

There is also a boutique in the clinic, that Georgia took over during the renovation of her clinic.

She said: “I saw someone post that they couldn’t run their boutique any longer, so I bought their bits from them and put it in the clinic, and it’s been fantastic,

“It’s brought a lot of people in, which really works with me wanting to get to know people,

“They’ll pop in and have an almost personal shopper experience with me."

Be the Best You Clinic’s reception area is home to a huge mirror, which some boutique shoppers have used to ‘cat walk’ their potential new clothes.

“One lady said it felt like the scene from Pretty Woman, and it was so lovely,” Georgia added.

At the moment, Be the Best You Clinic has two other girls, who are self-employed, renting rooms to use when carrying out their treatments, and Georgia hopes to expand her team further as time goes on.

“Lots of people are already established where they are, and I don’t want to bring just anyone in," she said. 

“It’s hard to not poach or tread on other people’s toes, but I’m getting there,

“I’d rather be quieter now than bring someone in who will go against the brand I’m trying to build."

Georgia really wants Be the Best You Clinic to be the whole package for its clients, hoping to offer a safe and trusting space, where visitors feel confident, comfortable and understood.

“It’s not just a place where you come and we make your lips look nice, there’s a lot more depth to it than that," she said. 

“I have so much patience for people coming in with the right intentions, and we’ll just chat away.

“I want to always remain honest because I know that when I was younger, I’d have really appreciated having someone to relate to and I want to be that person for other women, young girls and young girls to come,

“Some ladies who don’t always have time for self-care are offered the time to feel pampered and understood."

For more information on Be the Best You Clinic, and the treatments it offers, please visit @bethebestyouclinic on Instagram.