‘BRAZEN’ adverts for drugs have been popping up all over Colchester sparking fears of a spike in illicit activity.

Scores of sticker displaying QR codes which promote cannabis delivery have been spotted in St Andrews Avenue, North Station Road, and Petrolea Close.

Some of the adverts appear to have been strategically placed on bus stops, though the QR code on the cannabis sticker has been blocked.

But the prevalence of the stickers has caused concern among some residents who see it as a flagrant advert for dealing and use of illegal drugs.

Gazette: Advert – the stickers have been spotted in St Andrews Avenue, Petrolea Close, and North Station RoadAdvert – the stickers have been spotted in St Andrews Avenue, Petrolea Close, and North Station Road (Image: Daniel Rees, Newsquest)

One resident, who did not wish to be named, said the advert makes it too easy for young people to buy cannabis because there would be no need to obtain contact details for a specific dealer.

They said: “There has been a lot in the media recently about drugs in Colchester, probably more serious drugs and dealing, but this just seems so in-your-face.

“You think, why is it being advertised, and why isn’t the council taking them down?

“If some young people want to smoke weed, they have normally got someone they can buy it off – that’s always happened and it always will.

“But people are sticking multiple adverts all over the place, saying ‘we can deliver it to your house’ – it makes it so easy because you don’t have to make any effort to get the drugs.”

They continued: “It’s the brazenness of it.

“If people want to smoke weed, then fine, but I draw the line when it’s so blatantly advertised – it’s there, it’s in your face, and there seems to be a lot of the adverts around Colchester.”

Gazette: Authorities – Tim Young said he would be in touch with council’s neighbourhood team about the problemAuthorities – Tim Young said he would be in touch with council’s neighbourhood team about the problem (Image: Steve Brading)

Greenstead councillor Tim Young said the number of the stickers in St Andrew’s Avenue was alarming.

He said: “I am rather alarmed to see these stickers appearing around Colchester and hope that the police will be taking action.

“I will ask the council’s neighbourhood team to remove them as soon as possible.

“There is evidence that drug use at any level does lead to accessibility to harder drugs so this sort of advertising appearing in Colchester is very concerning.”

What Colchester Council said...

A spokesperson for Colchester City Council said: “We are aware of the stickers advertising cannabis that have been placed in St Andrew's Avenue.

"We condemn the illegal sale and advertisement of drugs and take such incidents seriously.

“To our knowledge, the fly-posting has not yet been reported to the council.

"However, our Neighbourhood Services team will be arranging for the stickers to be removed as soon as possible.

“We are aware of similar stickers appearing elsewhere in Colchester. We encourage residents to report any sightings of these stickers to the council.

“Colchester City Council has a zero-tolerance policy on illegal drugs.

"We work closely with Essex Police to tackle drug-related crime in our community.

"Anyone caught selling or advertising illegal drugs can expect to face serious consequences.

“Residents can report fly-posting online here.

“We take such matters seriously and will continue to take appropriate action to remove any illegal advertising materials and prevent the recurrence of such fly-posting.”