Colchester and Tendring Council’s plans to handle future housing and employment needs are set to “comprehenively adress long-term growth aspirations”. 

The Tendring Colchester Garden Communities are suggesting 7,500 to 9000 homes to be built east of Colchester and west of Elmstead Market, alongside creating employment opportunities and community facilities. 

With the additional homes, the plans promise community services and education in forms of primary and secondary schools. 

The plans include 25 hectares of employment land in form of a new business park and a ‘knowledge-based employment’ site, a park and choose facility to encourage the use of public transport, as well as cycling and walking, and a Rapid Transit System (RTS). 

Two neighbourhoods were proposed, with the south and north location including more than 6000 homes, and the ‘Crockleford Neighbourhood’ near the A120 with the remaining number of homes. 

Additionally, the development will incorporate sports and leisure facilities, and an expansion of the University of Essex’s sport facilities. 

A new ‘Salary Brook Country Park’ at and around the plan and woodland of the nature reserve has been set out, as well as a ‘Wivenhoe Strategic Green Gap’ to keep the village physically and visually separated. 

The authorities have also agreed on a traveller site with 18 pitches, which will “come forward in response to need”.