A BUSINESS which offers new parents baby massage and yoga classes is thriving.

Amy Smart is the owner of Basking Babies Colchester, which has many classes of great benefit to mums of newborn babies up to infants.

Amy herself started taking her children to baby yoga when her first child was three months old. 

She developed a love for the classes and saw a real benefit from attending.

The classes give mums the opportunity to see their children grow and develop, as well as being able to socialise with other mums who have babies of a similar age.

Amy said: “Having done these classes myself with both my girls, I loved how these classes made me feel and I wanted to do the same for more mums.

“New mums can help build their community, they say it takes a village to raise a child and that’s what I am looking to create.

“I feel so proud when I can see the babies progressing and watching the sheer amazement & pride in the mums faces too.”

Due to the popularity, to create further classes for more who are looking to attend, Amy will be teaching baby yoga and baby massage classes on Mondays at Kingsland Church and Fridays at Shrub End's community and sports centre later this year.

For more information, visit baskingbabies.co.uk/colchester