A MAN was pronounced dead in woodland after emergency services rushed to the scene.

Essex Police and paramedics attended the woodland area in Distillery Lane, Colchester, at 2pm on Sunday after concerns were raised for a man in the area.

Paramedics were told the man was not breathing, and despite efforts of everyone involved, he died at the scene.

Essex Police have confirmed the death is not being treated as suspicious.

Gazette: Beauty spot - Distllery Pond which is next to the woodlandBeauty spot - Distllery Pond which is next to the woodland (Image: Newsquest)

Old Heath and Hythe ward councillor Michael Lilley reacted to the news.

“Any sudden death is sad, especially for the family.

"Having said that we have had since had a couple of emails from residents in Distillery Lane who want action taken down in that area.

 “There has been a murder, and other incidents in the past.

"It is pretty wooded, with no lights, so residents are concerned and they want to know if any measures can be put in place."

Gazette: Area - a track which leads along the woodland areaArea - a track which leads along the woodland area (Image: Newsquest)

 “We will have to ask the city council if whether we can have lights placed in there and a lot of the paths cleared."

Fellow ward councillor Fay Smalls said: "I am extremely worried and concerned.

"All my thoughts are with the family, I would strongly ask people not to speculate.

“We do not know the circumstances, and this is a police matter.”

Gazette: Nature - a section of the Distillery Lane woodlandNature - a section of the Distillery Lane woodland (Image: Newsquest)

Colchester resident Rob Evans works near Distillery Lane and said he felt “very sad" to hear of the incident.

An eyewitness, who wishes to remain anonymous, came across the incident yesterday.

They said: “I was walking to the nearby duck pond with my toddler around 2pm.

“I then saw emergency services making their way to the woodland area, where the man was found, and there was a tent.

“I feel so sad for the poor man and his family, it’s absolutely horrible.”