A PRIMARY school pupil has raised more than £700 for her school swimming pool with a 50-mile bike challenge.

Alresford Primary School’s swimming pool has been closed for more than a year after government guidelines changed.

Seven-year-old Katie Hollis wanted to help, and after getting her stabilisers off her bicycle, she decided to jump in the saddle.

She embarked on a mega 50-mile challenge in May, and the fundraiser has now raised an amazing £745.

Gazette: Brave- Katie wasn't used to riding without stabilisers at first, but she was much more confident by the end of the 50 miles. Brave- Katie wasn't used to riding without stabilisers at first, but she was much more confident by the end of the 50 miles. (Image: Louise Hollis)

Mum Louise Hollis said: “Katie decided off her own back that she wanted to do a sponsored bike ride to help raise some funds.

“This was quite a challenge for her as she’s only just learnt to ride her bike without stabilisers, and she didn’t have a lot of confidence at first.

“Over the month, she’s got braver, and she has made us very proud.”

Katie tackled lots of different terrain, but she flew through the challenge by fitting in bike rides between school days and after-school activities.

Gazette: Challenge- Katie wanted to do the 50-mile challenge to support her school. Challenge- Katie wanted to do the 50-mile challenge to support her school. (Image: Louise Hollis)

She completed the 50 miles in just 12 rides, finishing with a ten-mile cycle from Walton Pier to Clacton Pier and back to Holland-On-Sea, which is “by far the longest ride she has completed”.

Dad Dan Hollis completed every bike ride by Katie's side.

He said: “We’re just so proud of her for doing such an amazing thing and sticking to it, all because she wanted to help her school.”

Gazette: Comparison- The Alresford Primary School pool while it was open (left) and now (right). Comparison- The Alresford Primary School pool while it was open (left) and now (right). (Image: Alresford Primary School)

Alresford Primary School’s swimming pool was closed during the pandemic, and it has remained shut due to refurbishment needs to bring the pool up to the latest specifications.

Pupils used to enjoy weekly swimming lessons and the pool could also be hired out for toddler swimming and after-school swimming lessons.

The school is looking to raise £50,000, which would enable pupils to swim for 30 minutes every week during the summer term.

Gazette: Pool- The pool was regularly available to pupils throughout the summer term, and offered swimming lessons to children and toddler groups.Pool- The pool was regularly available to pupils throughout the summer term, and offered swimming lessons to children and toddler groups. (Image: Alresford Primary School)

Headteacher Sarah Bryson said: “Events like school discos only raise in the hundreds, so we need to do over and above the normal fundraising to begin to achieve this figure.

“Hopefully this will be the ideal project to really bring the community together so we can build something that will not only benefit our children, but also everyone in the village.”

The school’s fundraiser can be found at https://www.gofundme.com/f/school-swimming-pool