REVELLERS at a school fete tried to use brute force to free an ice cream van after it got stuck in mud.  

Joe’s Whippy was at the Monkwick residents Association's annual fete when one of their rainbow vans became trapped.

Driver Raphael Alcobia had entered the grounds of the school with no problems.

When the time came to leave, he tried to do so quietly.

Rather than disturb the crowds of people and mobility scooters on the concrete pavement, he went the long way around and ended up getting stuck in mud.

Crowds of people rushed to the rescue.

A laughing Raphael said: “The minute I got stuck someone announced it, and it was just a massive wave of crowds—it was like there was a Black Friday sale on.

“There were two-year-olds and 80-year-olds coming to help free the van.

"The community police were there helping. We all got behind it, everyone was getting stuck in.”

Stuck- The Joe's Whippy van got stuck in the grass trying to leave an event. Stuck- The Joe's Whippy van got stuck in the grass trying to leave an event. (Image: Kayleigh Williams)

The rescuers tried to use muscle power to free the van but failed.

Eventually the van was towed out by another vehicle after about 20 minutes, helped by people-power from the crowd.

By then the news was all over social media, where one post got almost 200 'likes'.

Raphael continued: “At first I just wanted to crawl into a ball. Everyone was looking at me, thinking I was a prat.

“But it was honestly one of the best things that’s ever happened to us - there’s no such thing as bad press!”

The rainbow-coloured vehicle was unscathed... apart from being covered in mud.

“It was a very eventful day,” said Raphael. “We’ve had customers asking all week which one of us got stuck, joking with us saying, ‘You can’t park there!’”

Yummy- One of Joe's Whippy's popular ice creams. Yummy- One of Joe's Whippy's popular ice creams. (Image: Raphael Alcobia)

None of the firm's vans had ever become stuck in mud before this year, but now they have had to be towed out on three separate occasions.

Raphael said: “Our tow bar on the vans is at the back, so when you’re getting towed away, as the driver you’re facing the crowd.

“You just have to stand there and wave bye to everyone. It’s like dragging a child out of a toy shop!”