Residents will be able to ask election candidates direct questions in a husting in Dedham. 

All five parliamentary candidates for the Harwich and North Essex constituency will face residents' questions ahead of the general election on July 4. 

Andrew Lawrence Canessa (Green), Mark Cole (Reform UK), Alex Diner (Lab), Bernard Jenkin (Con) and Natalie Sommers (Lib Dem) are in the running to become the next representative in Parliament. 

During the husting, each candidate is invited to make an address of five minutes, followed by questions put to the candidates. 

Rev Paul Greenland, who organises the event for the Harwich Deanery of Churches, said: “We will have some questions in advance available to the candidates, but will also take questions on the night, but we will condense the questions into the major topics so that the major issues are covered -  the economy, taxation, foreign affairs, housing, immigration, local affairs.  

“Each candidate will have around three minutes to answer. The chair, at their discretion, may then ask for supplementary questions or comments on the issue from the floor.” 

Residents are asked to submit questions in advance to Mr Greenland at or 07811 539328. 

The event will take place on June 19 at 7.30pm at Dedham Parish Church in High Street.