RESIDENTS were made late to work after flytipped rubbish dumped in a lane in Ardleigh left a road impassable. 

Homeowners in Chapel Road, woke up to a big pile of rubbish on Tuesday obstructing the road with cars having no way of getting passed.

Obstruction - the flytipping blocking the roadObstruction - the flytipping blocking the road (Image: Anonymous)

One resident said: "I moved there eight months ago and I can’t believe how much flytipping we get.

"It’s upsetting to see it but when it blocks a single road to residents home it’s even more disturbing. We all were late to work cause of it."

The rubbish also contained mail in the bags as well as chairs and baby paraphernalia. 

Rubbish - more flytipping down the same roadRubbish - more flytipping down the same road (Image: Anonymous)

Zoe Fairley, Ardleigh ward councillor, said: "Flytipping is a criminal offence and it is a huge problem for rural areas, especially my ward.

"Unfortunately more instances do seem to be occurring and it shouldn't have the impact on residents in the way that it does.

"There was this incident in Little Bromley where the road was completely blocked for four weeks and the clearance does take too long. 

"Contaminated waste, such as asbestos, needs specialist contractors which does take time."

Disgraceful - more flytippingDisgraceful - more flytipping (Image: Anon)

This is an issue Zoe has raised multiple times to higher-ups.

She continued: "This is an issue I've raised multiple times to see if Tendring Council can work more closely with Essex County Council.

"Mobile cameras could be deployed where it is a frequent problem, more really needs to done to stop this frequent issue. 

"Flytipping should not be impacting anyone trying to get to or from work, especially when alternate routes to avoid it are really long."