A BARRIER is set to be introduced at St Mary’s car park after residents said they continued to be plagued by nuisance drivers. 

Colchester Council confirmed it would install the automated barriers at in the city centre car park last month. 

Works to put the barrier in place will begin on Monday and will mean a partial closure of the car park on the Wednesday morning. 

Colchester Council confirmed in October last year it was exploring plans to re-introduce automatic barriers at the car park in Balkerne Hill.

The car park, which is popular with theatregoers because of its closeness to the Mercury Theatre, has troubled nearby residents for months after a reported surge in antisocial behaviour.

Complaints of so-called “speed racers” causing a nuisance led to council bosses deciding to close its entrance on Friday and Saturday evenings.

But, according to residents, the move didn’t make the problem go away, with drivers reportedly being spotted driving in through the car park’s exit to flout the rules.

The council has said enhanced CCTV footage will also improve surveillance throughout the car park.

Patrols will also take place in the car park.

The council’s security patrols will have the authority to record evidence, check number plates and issue fines.

David King, leader of the council, said: “We know that tackling antisocial behaviour is a priority for our residents. Nearby residents have had to endure far too much bad behaviour, interrupted sleep and peace of mind, over many months.

“I am pleased to say that our security responses have reduced these antisocial behaviour incidents.

“These latest measures, including the barrier and multi-agency joint patrols, should continue that trend. Our priority, here as elsewhere across the city centre, is to make sure Colchester is a safe and welcoming place to live, work and visit for all."

Mr King added: “A Public Space Protection Order also exists in this area that bans certain antisocial behaviours and makes it possible to issue fines.

“These measures will help prevent some of the activities seen in recent years, or to evidence the fines or prosecutions resulting if incidents occur.”