BACCUS is one of the oldest clothing shops in Colchester, with the 58-year-old business now owned by the third generation of the same family.

The Gazette spoke to Baccus, in Sir Isaac's Walk, as part of our new campaign to support the many fantastic, independent and family-owned businesses in the city.

The store has been selling top-quality clothing to the fashion-conscious residents of Colchester since 1966. 

Exterior - the Baccus entranceExterior - the Baccus entrance (Image: Newsquest)

Original owner of the store Jack Pryke is sadly no longer with us, but the shop was handed down and is currently owned by Paul Moorcraft.

Alan Moorcroft, Paul's father and previous owner of Baccus, said: "My father-in-law worked for a men's shop in Colchester but then decided he wanted his own business.

"The bank manager backed him and helped him along and started him off, and we have progressed from there.

"My father-in-law used to like a drink and the people who helped fit the shop thought of the name Bacchus, the Greek god of wine, but we spelt it wrong and left out the 'h', which was deliberate."

Owner - Paul Moorcraft in the shop, holding stockOwner - Paul Moorcroft in the shop, holding stock (Image: Newsquest)

Paul continued: "It started 58 years ago in Scheregate Steps and this place opened in 1973.

"Both shops were open at the same time but then we moved to just this shop and have been here ever since.

"This was a time when ready-to-wear fashion was just becoming available as before it was tailoring, but this was in the 60s when everything changed."

Selection - just some of the clothes on offerSelection - just some of the clothes on offer (Image: Newsquest)

Clothing has been the store's game for the decades it has been open.

Alan said: "When my father-in-law started he was doing tailoring so he would make made-to-wear suits and jackets for an older type of customer, but he also catered for younger people.

"Over the years we have seen it as a fashion business trying to cater for all kinds of people."

Paul said: "We have changed over the years. There was fast fashion which was quite big for us but now we are more into higher brands like Calvin Klein, Fred Perry and Hugo Boss."