THE developer which was ordered to address issues over its construction of 50 homes have proposed an off-site compound to tackle queuing lorries on a narrow lane. 

Last month Colchester Council served Dandara with an enforcement notice after it breached planning conditions at its site in Hall Road, Copford. 

It comes after nearby residents documented instances of near misses on the 3.5m wide road due to the 3m size of lorries and vehicles.

Now plan have been submitted to Colchester Council by Dandara to address the “limited space available” with an off site compound. 

This temporary compound would be to the south of the site, with Dandara already agreeing terms with landowners.

Dandara said the compound would prevent vehicles from “queuing on Hall Road” which is “causing disruption to existing residents”.

Resident Tracie Jackson said: “The compound would be further down the narrowest lane, therefore further to travel putting the public at risk again."

She added: “It’s all to help speed up the build.

“Residents will not benefit - putting the public users at further risk”.

But residents claim work has already started to build the compound despite planning permission not being granted.

A picture taken by the leader of the Copford Parish Council on Wednesday night, appears to shows land has been turned over at the site. 

A spokesman for Colchester Council said it was aware of concerns over the construction of a temporary compound but said it would be unlikely to pursue enforcement action at this time. 

They said: "We are reviewing the information provided by residents and will take appropriate action if necessary.

“The construction compound should not have any impact on the number of HGV trips associated with construction but could facilitate better site management.

“We can confirm that a planning application for this off-site compound is currently under consideration.

“While it's not illegal to begin development before planning permission is granted, the council prioritises enforcement action based on expediency and the potential harm caused.

“The council's primary role is to manage land use in the best interests of the public. If the off-site compound demonstrably reduces disruption for residents by minimising construction traffic on Hall Road, it may be considered a positive development, even if built before formal approval.

“At this time, pursuing enforcement action wouldn't be. However, if the application is rejected, the council will strongly consider enforcement action.”

A spokesman for Dandara said: “We are reviewing the situation and are working closely with Colchester Council and residents to address any issues.

"We value feedback and are committed to transparency and safety within the community. We would encourage residents to get in touch with us to address any concerns they may have.”