With the General Election hustings taking place at the Mercury Theatre last night, we spoke to those who were in attendance to get their views on what the candidates had said. 

In an auditorium style setting the five candidates did their best to get people on side with their views. 

The night touched on various subjects including the housing crisis and how to sort the teacher retention issues we are facing.

The five candidates were also asked about the Rwanda policy.

There were moments of agreement between the five hopefuls but in full the topics were firmly debated.

The reaction


Chris - Part of the Conservative association he thinks James Cracknell handled the debate wellChris - Part of the Conservative association he thinks James Cracknell handled the debate well (Image: Credited)

Chris, from the Conservative association, said: "There was a bit of pressure on James Cracknell but I was really proud of him, it is clear that everyone's mind is already made up in the room.

"The reception each candidate got was pretty much what I expected, I think James handled it pretty well.

"I think he held himself well despite a nervous start."


Pauline - Pauline was most impressed with James Cracknell despite the pressurePauline - Pauline was most impressed with James Cracknell despite the pressure (Image: Credited)

Pauline Hazel said: "I was most impressed by James Cracknell, he got his point across well and it is difficult to be up there.

"There is a lot of pressure because we're up against it but he dealt with it well.

"All the other parties are against the Conservatives, so it's tough."

John and Anne

John and Anne - They thought Pam Cox did the best job at the hustingsJohn and Anne - They thought Pam Cox did the best job at the hustings (Image: Credited)

John and Anne said: "Pam Cox did the best and the debate made it clearer that she is the right person for Colchester."


Angelina - Angelina had high praise for Martin Goss after the hustingsAngelina - Angelina had high praise for Martin Goss after the hustings (Image: Credited)

Angelina said: "Martin Goss performed the best because he answered the questions by actually speaking about Colchester.

"He spoke about the view of the residents the most."


Michelle - Michelle thinks Martin Goss and Pam Cox did well and thought Terence Longstaff was a good speaker despite disagreeing with his politicsMichelle - Michelle thinks Martin Goss and Pam Cox did well and thought Terence Longstaff was a good speaker despite disagreeing with his politics (Image: Credited)

Michelle said: "Martin Goss and Pam Cox both did well.

"Terence Longstaff is a strong speaker despite the fact that I firmly disagree with his politics.

"James Cracknell appeared to have no idea what he was talking about."