MANNINGTREE musician Ben Brown has released his debut single under new record label Xtra Mile Recordings.

Ben has spoken of his excitement about everything that is in store for him, including signing for the record label, the release of his EP and going on tour with singer-songwriter Frank Turner.

Ben, 34, said: “It feels really exciting and in a way a relief. I have been a musician since I was at Manningtree High School.

Themed - The photos represent his debut single 'Blue' with the EP dropping in a couple weeksThemed - The photos represent his debut single 'Blue' with the EP dropping in a couple of weeks (Image: Catalina Carvajal)

 “It is reassuring to work with the label and it feels like I have a foothold. I do still have a long way to go.

“I’ve played hundreds of gigs and it feels like the stars have aligned. Being a musician can be lonely and tough at times.”

Ben's debut single Blue has been released and his six-track EP will hopefully be out in a couple of weeks.

He spoke positively of Manningtree saying “it has been a pleasure to grow up here”.

Passionate - Ben shows a lot of love for Manningtree and his musicPassionate - Ben shows a lot of love for Manningtree and his music (Image: Catalina Carvajal)

Ben still lives in Manningtree and he loves the fact he gets the chance to represent the town on tour.

He was previously part of two bands - SuperGlu and Dingus Khan - performing in America and across Europe.

Both were rock bands, but Ben’s music now has an indie folk feel. The change has been something that has come naturally and something he felt was needed.

He still has fans from his rock band days who listen to his new material, a demonstration of the relationship he has built with his fans.

Ben said: “The creativity is the main joy for me. Performing in front of a crowd is where I feel most comfortable.

“We are all performing in everyday life, so performing in general is a risk but once you do it enough you get used to it.”

Dates - Ben Brown is supporting Frank Turner's sell out Dates - Ben Brown is supporting Frank Turner's sell out (Image: Credited)

Ben spoke of Frank Turner, saying: “He first overheard me playing at a gig on Mersea Island.

“When I used to go to his studio, I realised the work ethic he had.”

Ben will be going on tour in July with Turner.