COLCHESTER honoured its Caribbean community by raising a flag for the Windrush generation.

The “magical” event saw many of Colchester’s communities come together to recognise the Caribbean community and its history.

Mayor Lesley Scott-Boutell said: “One aspect of the mayoralty that I’m loving is meeting and celebrating with our residents the diversity that makes our city so special.  

“I’m delighted that today, we gather to honour a remarkable generation, the Windrush generation, who left their homes in the Caribbean to start anew in the United Kingdom.

“Their journey was not an easy one, but their resilience, determination, and spirit have left an indelible mark on our society, economy, and post-war development.

“They brought with them their vibrant culture, rich traditions, and infectious enthusiasm, which has enriched our community."

Flag- The windrush flag was raised over the town hall. Flag- The windrush flag was raised over the town hall. (Image: Stephanie Nissen)

She continued: “As mayor, I’m proud to have a thriving Caribbean community in Colchester and I’m sure that all gathered here today will agree with me. The Caribbean spirit is alive and well in our city.

“Let us continue to build a city that is proud of its heritage, proud of its diversity, and proud of its people.”

The mayor was followed by a speech from Simone Grant, of Colchester’s Caribbean Community Group, and a speech by African Families UK organiser Rachel.

Former mayor Tim Young also spoke at the event, along with former councillor Catherine Bickerseth.

Representatives from Refugee, Asylum Seeker, and Migrant Action were also present.

The event concluded with a tour of the Mayor’s Parlour before the flag was raised over the town hall.

History- Colchester Caribbean Group worked to organise the event for windrush. History- Colchester Caribbean Group worked to organise the event for windrush. (Image: Stephanie Nissen)

Steph Nissen, a former councillor who chairs the mayor’s charity committee and worked with the Caribbean Community Group to facilitate the event, said the day was “magical.”

She said: “Today’s event was magical; a true community event, and I’m delighted to have worked with the Caribbean Community Group to make today’s flag raising so special.

“It was a pleasure to be joined by AFIUK, RAMA, and friends.

“Thanks to former mayor Tim Young, and former cllr Catherine Bickersteth, for attending and their moving speeches about the Windrush cultural contributions to Colchester.”

The sixth national Windrush Day took place on Saturday, June 22.