A COLCHESTER youngster is continuing his success abroad after placing top three in another obstacle championship race.

Young Harry Jeffery, 12, regularly enjoys taking part in competitive obstacle course racing (OCR) all over the world.

He, alongside little sister Sophie, nine, have travelled to various countries enjoying competitive OCR events, after being inspired by dad Stuart.

The youngster has already achieved a Guinness World Record earlier this year.

Harry’s latest success came in Italy, competing in the European OCR Championships.

Dad Stuart said: “We flew out to Verona and then drove up to the beautiful Fondo Grande.

“On race day, Harry set off at 1pm in the first wave of 12 to 13-year-olds.

“The course featured over 20 obstacles, including A-Frame, Rope Climb, Firefighter Spaghetti, Italian Diet, Tarzan Swing, Samurai Spinning Wheels, and Fera Tenaci.

“Harry had a great battle with the top racers in Europe, had a clean run with no penalties and finished in 27:27, securing third.”

Siblings - Harry pictured with sister Sophie in ItalySiblings - Harry pictured with sister Sophie in Italy (Image: Public)

However, Stuart said a results mistake showed Harry finishing first.

“He knew he came third,” Stuart said.

“We questioned this and informed us the other two lads had been put in the wrong age group, so, Harry had come first.

“This was two hours before the podiums. Just before the podium, the online results were updated, placing Harry back in third.

“As he lined up to be presented with his bronze medal, the organisers arranged the podium and placed Harry in first.

“We questioned this again, but the organisers insisted they had the correct results.

“So, Harry accepted first, and we celebrated and left the venue.

“Then, 30 minutes later, we received a phone call asking all 12 to 13-year-old boys and girls to return their medals.

“They had used year-end ages instead of race-day ages, leading to incorrect online results.

“Despite the mix-up, Harry is pleased to have come in third, especially since he moved up an age category this year.”

Success - Harry (right) finished third in his raceSuccess - Harry (right) finished third in his race (Image: Public)

Stuart also said the result made Harry the highest-ranking UK athlete in the under-16 short course.

He added: “Harry has now raced in all the main youth OCR events worldwide and has never not stood on the podium.

“He has also achieved first at the Spartan World Championships in the Bahamas, first at the British Championships and third place at the FISO World Championships in Belgium.

“That's a massive achievement at just 12 years old.”