A SUICIDAL man who tried to take his own life has thanked the two police officers who saved him. 

PC Benjamin Clark and PC Jacob Parker found James, whose name has been changed, unresponsive in his car in a remote area at Abberton Reservoir following a search operation lasting several hours. 

The officers feared they were too late, but James, who was in urgent need of medical attention, sat up and opened the door of his car. 

After gaining his trust, the Colchester local policing team officers were able to administer first aid and convinced him to be taken to hospital. 

James’s mental health has now improved significantly, thanks to support from his family and NHS specialists. 

He was recently reunited with PC Clark and PC Parker and wrote to them to express his gratitude. 

James said the search “undoubtedly saved my life” and that “both the professionalism and compassion exhibited by everyone involved throughout this ordeal was nothing short of remarkable”. 

“I am profoundly grateful for the support extended not only to myself but also to my family during this distressing time… The Essex Police department exemplifies the highest standards of professionalism and compassion, and for that, I am forever thankful. 

“My heartfelt thanks go out to each member of the team for their selfless service and dedication to protecting and serving the community.” 

PC Clark said: “James told us how he was well on the path to recovery. He is starting a new job and said he’s become closer with his family. 

“He thanked me and my colleagues endlessly for helping him get the help he so desperately needed and saving his life. He is in a much better place.” 

James was initially reported as a missing person with the police helicopter mobilised without success before the two officers spotted his car. 

The vehicle was steamed up and with blood on the windows, so they approached it and banged on the windows. 

PC Parker had only been a police officer for a month. 

He said: “This job made me realise why I’d joined the police. It quickly went from a missing person case to ‘We’ve got a life to save here’.

"To find out that James has turned his life around is really good to hear. 

“He said we’d opened his eyes to the amount of help that is out there and made him appreciate he had a lot going for him. To get that feedback does make me proud.” 

PC Clark added: “I am proud to put on my uniform every shift and help those around me. This was simply another day at work but hearing the impact my colleagues and I had that night really makes all the difference.”

If you have been affected by the issues raised in this article, help and support are available from:

Mental health

CALM: visit www.thecalmzone.net or ring 0800 585 858

Heads Together: visit www.headstogether.org.uk

Mind: visit www.mind.org.uk or ring 0300 123 3393

Suicide prevention charities

Papyrus for under 35s: visit www.papyrus-uk.org ring 0800 068 41 41 or email pat@papyrus-uk.org

Samaritans: visit www.samaritans.org ring 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS): visit uksobs.org ring 0300 111 5065 or email email.support@uksobs.org

The Craig Tyler Trust (Basildon): thecraigtylertrust.co.uk

Specialist support for men

ANDYSMANCLUB: andysmanclub.co.uk

Movember:  www.uk.movember.com