A NUMBER of inspirational figures from various sectors will be honoured by Essex University this year’s summer graduation ceremonies.

The university is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2024 and since 1967 has honoured more than 300 people from many walks of life for their contributions to learning, creativity and knowledge, to human welfare and human rights, and to the building and maintaining of a fairer society.

Honorary graduates this year include Essex-based artist Elsa James and joint managing director of iconic jam producer Wilkin and Sons Chris Newenham.

This year the university will also honour William Adoasi, Dr Sima Sami Bahous, Kess Eruteya, Jo Todd and Houlin Zhao.

Their careers span far and wide with influences across the globe.

Masters - Sima Sami Bahous got her master's degree in literature and drama at the University of EssexMasters - Dr Sima Sami Bahous got her master's degree in literature and drama at the University of Essex (Image: European Union)

Essex graduate Dr Sima Sami Bahous is the executive director of UN-Women, the United Nations entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Dr Bahous is a champion for women and girls, gender equality and youth empowerment, as well as a keen advocate for quality education, poverty alleviation and inclusive governance.

Telematics - Engineer Houlin Zhao has a master's degree in Telematics from the University of EssexTelematics - Engineer Houlin Zhao has a master's degree in Telematics from the University of Essex (Image: University of Essex)

Essex gradate Houlin Zhao is the secretary-general of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

ITU is a specialised agency of the United Nations from 2015 to 2022.

He was made an Honorary Chairman of the China Institute of Communications in China in 2023.

Charity - William Adoisa's watch brand supports children in South Africa, Ghana and NigeriaCharity - William Adosi's watch brand supports children in South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria (Image: University of Essex)

William Adoasi is the founder of luxury watch brand Vitae London.

Committed to social impact, each watch sold by Vitae London supports a child’s life by providing key resources for education in South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria

Founder - Kess Eruteya is the founding chief executive of the ed-tech platform InclusionZFounder - Kess Eruteya is the founding chief executive of the ed-tech platform InclusionZ (Image: University of Essex)

Kess Eruteya is the founding chief executive of InclusionZ, the ed-tech platform which connects underrepresented young professionals with employment opportunities.

(Image: University of Essex) MBA - Christopher Newenham has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and a MBA from the University of Essex

Christopher Newenham is an Essex graduate and joint managing director of iconic jam producer Wilkin and Son Ltd based in Tiptree.

Artist - Conceptual artist and activist Elsa James will be honouredArtist - Conceptual artist and activist Elsa James will be honoured (Image: University of Essex)

Elsa James is a British African-Caribbean conceptual artist and activist and has been named one of the 50 Most Influential People in Essex.

Respect - Jo Todd has a master's degree in the Sociology of Gender from Essex University and founded Respect a domestic-abuse charity in 2000Respect - Jo Todd has a master's degree in the Sociology of Gender from Essex University and founded Respect a domestic-abuse charity in 2000 (Image: University of Essex)

Essex graduate Jo Todd is the founding chief executive of Respect, the UK charity stopping perpetrators of domestic abuse.

All seven were “honoured”, “thrilled” and “delighted” with the special recognition from the university.

Ms James said: “I am absolutely thrilled to receive this award, which marks a significant milestone in my artistic journey.

“This recognition is especially meaningful to me because it also acknowledges my very first body of work as a practising visual artist.”

Mr Newenham said he was “stunned, delighted and humbled”, with Ms Eruteya adding how she was “deeply honoured” with the recognition.

Dr Bahous said: "Essex University was pivotal in shaping my academic foundation and instilling in me the values of resilience, leadership, inclusion and compassion.

“It is a great honour to receive this recognition.”

Houlin Zhao said: “I joined the University in 1984 and have enjoyed my association with it over the last 40 years, I am proud to be Essex alumni.

“I would like to express my deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks to the University of Essex for bestowing upon me this exceptional honour.”

Vice-chancellor prof Anthony Forster added: “As we celebrate our 60th anniversary this year it is wonderful to have the opportunity to share our celebrations with inspirational honorary graduates who are committed to making change happen, displaying the Essex Spirit in their work and having a positive impact in their community.

“I am delighted that many of those receiving honorary degrees are Essex alumni who have gone on to have a significant impact across the fields of business, the environment, public service and social activism.”