A TOWN school where children “love learning” and “value fun and memorable activities” has been lauded in a new report from watchdogs.

Broomgrove Junior School, in Wivenhoe, has been rated good following a two-day inspection in May.

The new report, which was published on Friday, was full of praise for the school’s pupils, staff, curriculum and more.

Inspector Rowena Simmons said: “Pupils enjoy coming to school. They are safe and say that the trusted adults support them well.

“Pupils love their learning, especially reading and mathematics.

“They value the fun and memorable activities that their teachers provide and respond well to the high expectations of achievement set by their teachers.”

It added how pupils “experience a range of activities outside of the classroom to enrich their learning”.

The report further noted how the school has been through a “significant period of change” but has “responded very positively”.

It continues: “Leaders have made extensive changes to the curriculum, which is now ambitious, creative and broad.”

Ofsted explained how the school ensures all pupils can access learning effectively, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Good - pupils and staff with school dog FelixGood - pupils and staff with school dog Felix (Image: Public)

Teachers “adapt learning activities for the range of pupils’ SEND needs”, including opportunities to read with the school therapy dog.

The report said staff feel “very well supported” and safeguarding was “effective”.

Some areas for improvement were noted, with the report saying, “teachers sometimes deliver lessons that are too easy for some pupils”.

“In a few subjects, the school has not yet fully developed the processes to check pupils’ understanding and what they have remembered,” the report said.

Headteacher Karen Wright said: “We are delighted to have received our final inspection Report from Ofsted, judging our school as good.

“The report identifies so many positives about our school and our pupils and it also mentions that significant changes had been required, all of which have had positive results. 

“As with all inspections, areas for improvement have also been included and these are areas that school leaders had already identified.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing team for all of their hard work and commitment to school improvement, and also to our wonderful pupils, who are at the heart of all decisions made.”