CROWDS flocked to a Colchester beauty spot to celebrate Armed Forces Day.

The 16 Air Assault Brigade Combat Team and Colchester Garrison took over Abbey Field to mark this year’s event.

The event showcased the skills and equipment of the combat team, as well as putting on a military skills competition.

Respects - Honouring our Armed ForcesRespects - Honouring our Armed Forces (Image: Jay Lorenz)

Visitors to the event could also meet Colchester-based soldiers and see British Army vehicles, weapons and equipment up close - as well as learning about Colchester Garrison’s history from historians who were showing off the kit and weaponry of First and Second World War soldiers.

Show - A martial arts displayShow - A martial arts display (Image: Jay Lorenz)

Merville Barracks’ Dakota transport aircraft was also open to visitors, with refreshments and bouncy castles for children also on offer.

A special Armed Forces Day parade was held as part of the event Colchester mayor Lesley Scott-Boutell was in attendance and thoroughly enjoyed the event.

Hero - A historic soldier pictured at the eventHero - A historic soldier pictured at the event (Image: Constant Tsang)

She said: “It was awesome, it was a learning curve for me and seeing some of the things they have in place logistically is amazing.

“Support the Paras is one of the charities I support so it was important for me.

“There were loads of people who turned out and they did the parade with the cadets and veterans. It was lovely.”