A LICENSING hearing is set to be heard for a Colchester pub which wants to open longer every night of the week. 

The New Leather Bottle, in Shrub End Road, has applied to Colchester Council for changes to its licence. 

If successful, the pub will be able to stay open an hour later from Sunday to Thursday and will provide late-night refreshments on Friday and Saturday between 10pm and 1am. 

The change would also allow the pub to have live and recorded music from Sunday to Thursday until midnight and until 1am on Friday and Saturday. 

The application says the pub would be subject to conditions, such as complying with drugs and noise policies, having high-quality CCTV at the premises and introducing a noise limiter. 

But residents are worried the change of the licence will bring antisocial behaviour and more litter to the residential area.

One said: “Whilst I understand that a pub has to make money by bringing in the crowds, that there will be noise and to some extent nuisance behaviour, this has to be in consideration of others. 

“Myself and the surrounding neighbours are entitled to a good night's sleep and not be deprived of it. We are also entitled to enjoy our gardens on a summer evening without the noise levels being brought into an area that should be out of bounds.” 

Another added: "Nuisance behaviour has included glasses being left on our walls, smashed on our drives, vomit and rubbish being spread across the bushes and gardens at the front of the property.

"Loud and abusive language has occurred amongst some of the more rowdy customers, being so loud that we are unable to have our windows open."

A further objection said: "The hours are extreme and excessive for a highly-populated and usually-pleasant residential area."

The latest application comes after the pub had its licence to sell alcohol revoked in 2022 after Essex Police investigated cocaine dealing. 

It was reinstated six months later. 

Bosses at Colchester Council will make the final decision next week. 

The owners of The New Leather Bottle have been contacted for comment.