A COLCHESTER man who was arrested after he sent naked photos of himself to a member of a paedophile hunter group posing as a 13-year-old girl has been given a community order.

Sentencing 29-year-old Charles Wray, Judge Richard Kelly said the defendant had learning difficulties and suffered from a number of neurological conditions which affected his level of culpability.

Wray, of Nayland Road, Colchester, admitted two offences of attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child and one offence of attempting to cause a child to engage a child in sexual activity. The offences date back to 2022.

He was given an 18 month community order and a 40 day rehabilitation order, He was also given a five year sexual harm prevention order and ordered to sign the sex offender’s register for the same period.

Ipswich Crown Court heard that Wray had communicated with the fake profile of a 13-year-old girl on Facebook and WhatsApp.

During their chats he sent naked pictures of himself and videos.

Wray had also communicated in a sexual way with the fake profile of a 14-year-old girl.

The court heard that following his arrest Wray said he’d “been had”.