A JURY has been unable to retire after a week-long trial because a juror has contracted Covid.

A trial in absence has been held Ipswich Crown Court because the defendant – who cannot be named because of the age of the complainant – has not shown up to court.

The defendant is accused of controlling and coercive behaviour, theft, and actual bodily harm in Colchester.

The jury had been due to start deliberating on Monday, but His Honour Judge Richard Kelly told them they would have to retire today (Tuesday) instead because a juror had fallen ill over the weekend.

Jurors will be provided with masks and hand sanitiser which they can use in the jury room.

Judge Kelly said: “All the jury rooms are the same size and they all have windows.

“You will be able to arrange things in such a way that the juror with Covid will be able to sit distance from the other ten.

“The plan is that we resume tomorrow with 11 of you as long as the juror is well enough to resume.

“If he is not, I may have to take a different decision.”