A COLCHESTER vaping shop was found guilty of selling nicotine inhaling products to underage children, including an undercover 13-year-old.

Hot N High, trading as Sheppards on the High Street, appeared at Colchester Magistrates’ Court on June 26.

The vaping shop denied the charge of selling nicotine inhaling products to someone under the age of 18.

Following a trial, Hot N High Ltd was convicted of the offence and fined £2,000.

The store must also pay a victim surcharge of £800 and £12,000 in costs.

In 2023, Essex Trading Standards carried out an underage test purchasing operation in Colchester after several complaints about age-restricted products being sold to children.

During the operation Sheppards sold a vape containing nicotine to a 13-year-old volunteer.

Sheppards was also advised on underage sales by Trading Standards between 2021 and 2023, and was the subject of test purchasing operations during this period.

Colourful - A selection of vape displays across Colchester as the government announces plainer packaging restrictions for 2024 alongside a disposable vaping banColourful - A selection of vape displays across Colchester as the government announces plainer packaging restrictions for 2024 alongside a disposable vaping ban (Image: Newsquest)

A spokesperson for Essex Trading Standards said: “Sellers of age-restricted goods, including vapes, must ensure they are vigilant and always ask to see proof of age before making a sale to a young person. 

"They must have robust processes in place, including staff training, to guard against any illegal underage sales.

The spokesman added: “This prosecution shows how seriously we take this issue.

"Businesses which break the law in Essex will be targeted by Trading Standards.”

Recent figures showed a tripling in vaping amongst children in the past three years – with nine per cent of 11 to 15-year-olds now using vapes.

The proportion of 11 to 17-year-old vapers, meanwhile, has increased almost nine-fold in the past two years.

Vape retailer MIST revealed in 2022 that Colchester had the highest percentage of vapers in the UK.

In September 2023, data from the Office of National Statistics revealed 4.5 million people in the UK vaped daily or occasionally in 2022, an increase of 7.7 per cent from 2021.  

If you are concerned about shops selling age-restricted products to children, call the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133 or visit citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer.