FIREFIGHTERS were called to Wivenhoe for a kitchen fire last night after a toaster caught alight.

Crews were called to Wivenhoe last night when a toaster caught alight and set fire to the kitchen cabinets.

When crews arrived, they confirmed that the kitchen was full of smoke.

Firefighters from Wivenhoe and Colchester worked quickly together to extinguish the fire by 9.26pm.

Watch Manager Alex Hough said: “The crews did a great job to contain the fire and prevent additional damage to the property.

“I’d also like to praise the family, as soon as they heard the smoke alarm and saw the fire, they shut the door to the kitchen, went outside and called 999. This was the right thing to do.

“Smoke alarms will alert you to the first signs of fire in your home. We’re urging everyone to make sure they have at least one working smoke alarm on every level of their homes, and to test them at least once a month.”

The fire occurred during the National Fire Chiefs Council's (NFCC) Cooking Safety Month, which aims to educate the public about kitchen and cooking fire safety.

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service advice residents to check toasters are clean and placed away from curtains and kitchen rolls; keep electric leads and appliances away from water and unplugged; keep the microwave, oven, hob and grill clean; and to check all appliances are in working order and meet modern electrical safety regulations.

More fire safety information can be found on the fire service website: