A CAR park operator has cancelled a parking fine which could have led to debt collectors pursuing an 86-year-old woman for £140 after the Gazette intervened.

Shirley Tuckfield, of West Mersea, was hit with three parking fines in March and April after she parked in a part of Colchester Hospital car park reserved for staff and blue badge holders.

This was despite Mrs Tuckfield displayed a blue badge, and all three fines were successfully appealed by her daughter after Parkingeye – which runs Colchester Hospital car park – could not prove she used a staff or blue badge parking space incorrectly.

But the issue reared its head a fourth time when Mrs Tuckfield received a letter from debt collection bailiffs for failure to pay a fourth fine which she says she was never informed about in the first place.

Technology – a camera recorded Shirley Tuckfield entering the hospital car park, but the 86-year-old received a fine because she had to register as a blue badge holder as well as display the blue badge Technology – a camera recorded Shirley Tuckfield entering the hospital car park, but the 86-year-old received a fine because she had to register as a blue badge holder as well as display the blue badge (Image: Newsquest)

A Parkingeye spokesman has now responded by claiming the letters were sent to the 86-year-old, and added that as well as displaying a blue badge, Mrs Tuckfield had to register as a blue badge holder.

He said: “The motorist received four parking charges for parking in an area that is reserved for staff and blue badge holders only.

“The car park features almost 70 prominent and highly visible signs providing information on how to use the car park responsibly, including guidance that blue badge holders must register to receive free parking. 

“We have already cancelled three charges on appeal after the motorist advised that they were a blue badge holder. 

“We received no correspondence or appeal from the motorist relating to a fourth charge incurred on March 28 and following two further letters the case was escalated to debt recovery.

Withdrawn – the fine against Shriley Tuckfield has been rescinded, but not before she received a letter stating she faced action from bailiffsWithdrawn – the fine against Shriley Tuckfield has been rescinded, but not before she received a letter stating she faced action from bailiffs (Image: Newsquest)

“This has now been cancelled as a gesture of good will.

“Going forward we would advise the motorist to register as a blue badge holder when visiting the hospital to avoid any further charges.”

Nick Sammons, director of estates and facilities at East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust apologised for the incident and said Mrs Tuckfield’s car was not registered on their parking management system.

He said: “As a Blue Badge holder Mrs Tuckfield can park in any of our car parks free of charge, however their car needs to be registered on our parking management system and we currently don’t hold any details for Mrs Tuckfield.

"We have cancelled the outstanding fine and our travel team will be very happy to talk to the Mrs Tuckfield to discuss how to register as a Blue Badge holder, if they would like to email us at travel.plan@esneft.nhs.uk.”