A COLCHESTER motor bike group with more than 1,000 members raised hundreds of pounds for the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance at its first ever moto fest event.

The Colchester Motorbike Group's free family event took place on Saturday, July 6, at the Crown pub in Wormingford, with nearly 200 people turning out.

Group founder James Chambers said the event was "really good" despite the "hit and miss weather".

Success - James Chambers (Right) and Success - James Chambers (Right) and Alice Simpson from the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance (Image: Submitted)

The total raised is still being counted by the air ambulance, but currently stands at more than £500.  

James said: "We are here to make bikers feel proud and bring them together."

"It’s a good cause with money going equally to both Essex and Herts Air Ambulance and the group.

"The goal is now to do a two-day moto fest next year."

Group - Members modelling the Moto Fest 2024 merchandiseGroup - Members modelling the Moto Fest 2024 merchandise (Image: Submitted)

At the free event, there was live music from Park Drive and DJ RayMar, as well as stalls and raffles, and face painting for children. 

First responders and EVBS Essex Bloodrunners, a group offering free delivery of blood products, were also at the event.