COLCHESTER Toy Library has celebrated 40 years of helping to provide fun for children across the city.

Founded in 1984, the toy library was originally set up to help children with special educational needs.

It was launched by founder Pam Cook who operated it from her bus, providing joy to children all around Colchester.

Dedication - Pam Cook (front right) and Christine Earey (front left) have worked so hard for the toy libraryDedication - Pam Cook (front right) and Christine Earey (front left) have worked hard for the toy library (Image: Credited)

Those involved with the toy library have seen ups and downs during the 40 years, including a fire in 2006 while it was located at Cowdray Avenue.

It reopened in 2007, again in Cowdray Avenue, before moving to Prettygate Library in 2017.

The library is run entirely by volunteers and managed by a committee of seven trustees, whose aim is to share toys for families all around Colchester.

Celebration - People watch on as founder Pam Cook gave her fantastic speechCelebration - People watch on as founder Pam Cook gave her speech (Image: Credited)

Christine Earey, who has been with the toy library since 1988, said: “It all started with special needs children.

"The parents of a boy with Down's syndrome wanted to know what toys they could get to help with his development.

“Once social services got to hear about it, they asked Pam if she would expand it to all children and now the service caters for all.

"It is quite an emotional day for me because Pam had to give up in 2014.

"I was the longest serving member and have been involved for 36 years now, so I’ve tried to carry on, with a lot of help.

Anniversary - To mark the occasion, Pam Cook cut the cakeAnniversary - To mark the occasion, Pam Cook cut the cake (Image: Credited)

"Currently we have around 100 current members which equates to around 150 children, now we are in Prettygate.

"When we were in a bigger unit we had around double the children we do now.

"For the place in Prettygate we pay £650 a month so we have to find this money but we do get grants and fundraising.

"It’s quite amazing that in Prettygate you find so many families that need you. Little pockets of people that don’t know we’re there and then suddenly they come and they make friends as well.

Membership of the toy library costs £10 for six months and allows children to borrow up to four toys at a time for six weeks.

Founder Pam said: “I’m absolutely amazed because I never thought it would go on and on. I’m so grateful for the people who come and volunteer to help run it.

“They’ve gone on and on doing that all these years now, which is a heck of a long time.

“I have made some lovely friends, and also it’s the expression on children’s faces when they manage to get a certain toy.

“That expression is such a delight that you get your reward straight away, straight to your heart.”

Councillor Dave Harris, who was at the special anniversary party, said: “It’s a fantastic achievement and when Pam Cook started off, she did it almost on a shoestring, and it grew from that small acorn to what it is now.

Praise - Councillor Dave Harris was full of praise for Pam and the team, who have given so muchPraise - Councillor Dave Harris was full of praise for Pam and the team, who have given so much

“Without some of the things she has done over the years, a lot of families would have been a lot worse off.”