A BUSINESSMAN says he is confident "everything is going to be alright" after 20 police, council and immigration officers filled a restaurant in front of shocked diners.

The officials from Essex Police, Basildon Council and the Home Office attended the Eyna Turkish restaurant in East Mayne at 6.45pm on Friday.

Diners said waiters, chefs, and bar staff were questioned by officials and police were on site during the two-hour operation.

Dionnne Hayward, 38, told the Echo she saw several Home Office immigration enforcement vans as she walked to the restaurant.

She said: “Immigration officers had all the waiters, cooks, and chefs sitting on a table in the middle of the restaurant – they must have had about 15 staff sitting down.

“Police officers had all the exits covered and the escapes covered.

“They were interviewing people and I saw them take three people away.”

New – the Eyna restaurant opened in December last yearNew – the Eyna restaurant opened in December last year (Image: Abdullah Tekagac)

Ms Hayward, of Craylands, Basildon, said people were being welcomed in as normal but were seated as far away from police and immigration officers as possible.

“They were there for a good couple of hours, but we were completely in the dark," she said. 

“It was when we waited for our second round of drinks, a waiter said ‘they are talking to our bar staff – that’s why there’s such a long wait for drinks’.

“That was the only information we got.”

After officials left, a singer started performing, Ms Hayward said.

“It was the most surreal thing I have experienced," she added. 

Presence – Essex Police said they were supporting the operation led by the Home OfficePresence – Essex Police said they were supporting the operation led by the Home Office (Image: Dionne Hayward)

Owner Abdullah Tekagac says all his staff have valid work permits.

When asked by the Echo about what might happen next, Abdullah Tekagac said: “They haven’t told us anything yet.

“They said we will get a letter from the immigration office and they will say everything is fine – if not, they will say what’s wrong and we will explain."

When asked about his reaction when they showed up at the restaurant unannounced, he said: “You just welcome them and say ‘OK, what’s the reason’.

“They said they are going to check the staff – I said, 'you are welcome, all the staff have working permits here'.

“I feel it’s going to be good – everything is going to be alright.”

A spokesman for Essex Police confirmed the force had officers in attendance but added the operation was led by the Home Office.

He said: “Our officers arrived at the scene at about 6.45pm on Friday, July 12.

“Five of our officers attended to support an operation carried out by the Home Office and to ensure there was no breach of the peace.”

The Home Office has been contacted for comment.