A BRAND-NEW cat cafe coming to Colchester has announced its opening date later this month. 

The Meow Cat Cafe is setting up a new venue in Eld Lane following the success of the cafe in Halstead, which opened in 2023. 

The expansion of the business was confirmed in May and now an opening date has been set for this month, with the final touches being made. 

Some of the cats will move in by the end of this week to get acquainted with the place and to settle down before the opening. 

Owner Rebecca White has been overwhelmed by the amount of support she has received over time. 

She said in a statement: “This has been a long time coming, I viewed the property in October 23 and it took ages to go through - so thank you for baring with me.

"One huge shout out I need to give is to my dad, who’s given up his evenings to do this for me, but this is an incredible amount of work for one person.  

“I also have the privilege of having two amazing staff members who have also given up countless days and evenings to get this finished.” 

Booking will be organised similar to the Halsted cafe, with online booking available for the one-hour slots Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday to Sunday. 

The furry stars of the cafe will also be up for adoption into a loving home. 

The cafe will open on July 26, with a soft launch for family, supporters and regular customers on July 24.