A COLCHESTER newsagent has been fined after being caught selling alcohol to teenagers in an undercover sting. 

Jig Patel, the owner and sole director of London Bottle Shop Ltd, trading as Crouch Street Newsagents, has been found guilty of selling alcohol to someone under the age of 18.

In March 2023, Trading Standards Officers visited the newsagent on Crouch Street giving the shop “comprehensive advice and guidance on the law regarding underage sales”.

A month later an alcohol test purchase was attempted with a sale being made to a 16-year-old girl volunteer test purchaser and was followed by a warning latter.

On May 31, 2023 another sale of alcohol was made to a 14-year-old girl volunteer test purchaser.

Repeat - Crouch Street News gave alcohol to underage volunteers twice in part of an undercover operation by the Essex Trading StandardsRepeat - Crouch Street News gave alcohol to underage volunteers twice in part of an undercover operation by the Essex Trading Standards (Image: In Colchester)

Patel was found guilty in his absence on July 11 at Chelmsford Magistrates Court and was fined £650 and was also told to pay a surcharge of £274 as well as being ordered to pay £3,000 in costs.

Message - Essex County Councillor Mark Durham said the fine sent a clear message to other businessesMessage - Essex County Councillor Mark Durham said the fine sent a clear message to other businesses (Image: Submitted)

Councillor Mark Durham, Essex County Council Cabinet Member responsible for Trading Standards, said: “This prosecution sends a clear message to individuals that continue to break the law.

“Businesses which sell age-restricted products must follow safe practices to ensure that they are not selling to those underage.”

Mr Durham added: “Essex Trading Standards will not tolerate irresponsible trading and won’t hesitate to take legal action where necessary to protect the public”.

“We hope this prosecution serves as a warning to other shops and businesses of the need to pay proper attention to the law and avoid selling very harmful products to children.”

A spokesman for Crouch Street newsagent said: “One of the staff sold it last year to an underage 18 person, it was a Smirnoff Cola or something like that.

"Since then we have rectified our system and we have trained all staff for ID."

The spokesman said the person who sold the alcohol left the business for unrelated reasons.

They said that all tills now automatically alert staff for any "over 18 items" meaning staff do their "due diligence".

The license has now been sold to the previous owner Prashant Patel.