The granddaughter of a Royal Navy sailor has followed in his footsteps and joined the naval force, aged just 16.

Alana Herd, an ex-pupil at Philip Morant School in Colchester, completed her basic training at HMS Raleigh in Torpoint, Cornwall.

Her grandfather, who served between 1971-76, sparked her maritime aspirations.

Alana said: "After years of dreaming, to be where I am today I feel a great sense of pride, happiness and excitement towards my future."

Beginning her journey at age 10 in the Sea Cadets, Alana didn't hesitate in joining the Royal Navy when the first opportunity arose.

Following the intensive 10-week training, she said: "I really enjoyed learning how to drive boats and operate safely on the water in all weathers.

"The challenges posed were daunting but the mentoring and training I received gave me the confidence and capabilities to be successful.

"It’s the new friends and shipmates I made here that helped me get through – we all gelled together and worked as a cohesive team."

Alana will now undertake professional training in HMS Sultan, in Gosport, where she will learn to be a marine engineer before joining her first ship and sailing off to start her global adventure.