A specialist autism school in Eight Ash Green received a visit from the mayor of Colchester.

Eager pupils from Doucecroft School revelled in giving Lesley Scott-Boutell a guided tour of their school, proudly showcasing their animals and the forest school section.

They also shared their experience at the institution, elaborating on the workings of the School Council and their eco-friendly initiatives.

As part of an art week activity which included trying unusual foods, the children offered the mayor crickets to eat and she duly obliged which brought delight to the pupils.

The school is run by Autism Anglia, and Ms Scott-Boutell met the charity's chief executive, James McQuiggan, for a deeper understanding of the wide range of services they provide.

The engagement also touched on some of the challenges autistic individuals encounter in the community, including access to employment and mainstream education support.

Mr McQuiggan said: "It was a pleasure to meet Ms Scott-Boutell.

"She took the time to answer the pupil’s questions and it was also very interesting to hear more about her role and work in the local community."

Autism Anglia started in the 1970s from a group of parents seeking support for their autistic children and continues to help autistic individuals access the benefits they require.