A DOVERCOURT man has admitted importing nearly 500 hundred ecstasy tablets from Germany with intent to supply, and other drugs offences.

Joel Cairns, 20, of Parkeston Road, was remanded in custody for sentencing at Chelmsford Crown Court next month after appearing before Colchester magistrates on July 13.

The court heard Cairns had initially been stopped on May 26 by a Harwich community policing team officer who noticed a strong smell of cannabis.

During a search Cairns was found to have cannabis on him.

While examining parcels from Germany on June 2, a Border Force officer discovered 496 MDMA tablets inside a parcel addressed to Cairns.

Cairns was later arrested and a search of his home address revealed more ecstasy pills and ‘cannabis bud’, as well as pregabalin, diazepam, and alprazolam tablets.

Officers also located three large bags of cannabis and a bag of ecstasy tablets in a garden shed alongside digital scales and empty dealing bags

A mobile phone and a card cloner were also seized.

At court, Cairns admitted a charge of the importation of MDMA or ecstasy, possession with intent to supply MDMA, three counts of possession with intent to supply a Class C drug, possession of cannabis, possession with intent to supply cannabis and possessing or controlling an article for use in fraud.

Cairns is due to be sentenced at Chelmsford Crown Court during the week beginning August 12.