A HEADTEACHER who was found unresponsive whilst on holiday died of immersion in water and alcohol intoxication, an inquest has heard.

Area coroner for Essex, Lincoln Brookes, opened the inquest into the death of New Rickstones Academy headteacher Simon Gibbs on Monday.

Coroner's officer Andy Flack provided two provisional causes of death for Mr Gibbs, who died in February, aged 41.

He said: "Simon Gibbs was on holiday with friends.

"He was found deceased in the stream at a ski resort in Morillon in Haute-Savoie.

"A post-mortem was carried out at Princess Alexandra Hospital.

"A provisional cause of death is given as 1A, immersion in water, and 1B, alcohol intoxication."

The provisional causes of death were provided following a post-mortem examination which was carried out at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow. 

The inquest, which was opened and then adjourned until March, heard how Mr Gibbs was on holiday with friends in the ski resort of Morillon in Haute-Savoie.

Area coroner for Essex Lincoln Brookes said: "I formally open the inquest into the death of Simon Gibbs.

"I adjourn for the inquest to be heard, which will be before myself, on March 3, 2025 in courtroom two.

"I offer my deepest condolences to his family and friends."