A SPECIAL school which had “serious failings” and was previously rated ‘inadequate’ by a government watchdog has now turned things around.

Lexden Springs, in Stanway, has officially been rated ‘good’ in a new Ofsted report following a full inspection on June 18, which was then released to the public last Friday.

Previously, Lexden Springs was rated inadequate after a full inspection took place on November 21 last year.

The inspectors at the time raised concerns about staff failing to establish the cause of bruises on a child and not taking further action when a child had contact with an "unsuitable adult". 

However, the school, which cares for pupils with special educational needs, and learning difficulties in a day and residential setting, has now been praised for turning things around.

The overall experiences and progress of children and young people, how well the pupils are helped and protected, and the effectiveness of leaders and managers categories, have all been rated ‘good’.

School - Lexden SpringsSchool - Lexden Springs

The report said: “Children have developed positive relationships with staff.

“There is warmth in the exchanges between the staff and children.

“This gives children a sense of stability, which supports their emotional development. Parents and professionals are extremely positive about the head of care and the residential staff.

“Communication between the school staff and children’s families is excellent.

“Parents said that their children have made progress with their communication and independence skills because of their time spent at the residential setting.

It has also been noted that safeguarding practices are strong at the school and staff are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities.

The school follows procedures for responding to concerns about the safety of children and these concerns are reported “effectively and followed up with appropriate agencies to ensure that children are protected from harm”.

A spokesman for Lexden Springs Residential Special School said: “Special thanks need to be given to all of our staff for the continuous hard work and effort they put in every day.

“This ensured that inspectors saw “positive relationships between pupils and staff” and “warmth in the exchanges between the staff and children”.

“Thank you to all of our families for your continued unwavering support and commitment.

“Our school wouldn't be the wonderful place it is without our amazing pupils who make it a privilege to work at Lexden Springs Residential Special School.

“We are proud of all of them.”