A REFURBISHED Colchester playpark which was the victim of vandals has now been cleaned-up thanks to the work of a local councillor and residents.

Highwoods ward councillor Jocelyn Law and resident Eddie Kane have worked together to scrub the graffiti that was found at the playpark near Gavin Way.

Resident Eddie took his children to the playpark after it opened and discovered graffiti on the ‘tractor’ and swing.

He said: “We’ve been coming here even more since the playpark was refurbished.

Working hard - the team removing the graffitiWorking hard - the team removing the graffiti (Image: Public)

Eddie then contacted Ms Law and asked for help and then the pair arranged to meet and get to work.

Ms Law said: “I arranged with Eddie to meet up and clean the graffiti off there and then.

"We have been campaigning for years to get this playpark renovated, my first thought was that we needed to clear this up, our local kids deserve that.”

The park is situated near Brinkley Grove Primary School, in Rawlings Crescent.

Cleaning up - the swingsCleaning up - the swings (Image: Public)

Ms Law and Eddie were joined by fellow resident, Gary Braddy for the clean and within half an hour, the graffiti was removed.

Ms Law said: “I have reported this incident, with photos, to the police and council.

“I am really concerned about the rise in anti-social behaviour, here in Highwoods and across the city.

“A small minority of people can bring upset and fear to local communities, through vandalism or intimidating behaviour.

“I want to work with local schools, the police and council staff to keep this situation under control – that’s what residents expect and deserve.”