AN exhibition showcasing artwork from service users from Essex Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) covering Essex is underway in Colchester.

The artwork – including poetry, painting, and photography - was developed from service users from the Early Intervention in Psychosis team (EIP) at the Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT).

The EIP team supports people who have experiences commonly referred to as psychosis, which may include hearing voices, seeing visions, holding strong unusual beliefs, or appearing out of touch with reality. 

While Creative Minds, a nationwide community of artists who deliver fun and therapeutic art, helped service users develop their art.  

Multimedia - There is poetry, photographs, and paintings in the exhibitionMultimedia - There is poetry, photographs, and paintings in the exhibition (Image: EPUT)

Tom Wheeler, one of the artists, said: "This exhibition shows what it’s like, it shows that even in the darkness of psychosis there is the light that can be found in art.”

Jessica Aldridge another artist added: “Witnessing the talents displayed at the Creative Minds exhibition was incredibly inspiring”.

“Exhibitions like this are crucial for raising awareness about psychosis”.

 Amy Djordjevic, senior occupational therapist and project coordinator for Creative Minds, said: “The night was a huge success, and we look forward to co-producing more events like this in the future”.

The exhibition is at the Patch gallery and restaurant on Trinity Street in Colchester city centre and is open from July 18 to August 1.