A CRIME liaison officer has become a national ambassador for a night-time safety campaign in Colchester.

Vincent Geaves, business crime liaison officer at the Colchester Business Improvement District (BID), has been recognised for his commitment to making the city a safer place. 

The national initiative “Ask for Angela”, which helps anyone who is feeling vulnerable on a night out to get support, has asked Mr Geaves to join the scheme as a national ambassador. 

As an ambassador, he shares the mission to reduce violence against women, girls and other potentially vulnerable groups and to improve public safety. 

Safety - As the Colchester BID's Business Crime Liaison Officer, Vincent Geaves has made efforts to make Colchester saferSafety - As the Colchester BID's Business Crime Liaison Officer, Vincent Geaves has made efforts to make Colchester safer (Image: Indre @ Colchester Streets)

Mr Geaves said: “It is an honour to be recognised for my work at a national level. Ask for Angela reached out earlier this month, and I jumped to say yes.

"I’d like to thank everyone who has undertaken Ask for Angela training so far, it is your commitment to safer socialising that is taking our city from strength to strength. 

“Colchester isn’t the only city or town whose night time economy has experienced great change.

"Our Colchester BID will remain steadfast as we respond to national trends, and champion fantastic schemes like Ask for Angela and Best Bar None.” 

His team congratulated him, saying he played a “major role” in leading safety initiatives for Colchester’s night time economy and beyond. 

David Robertson, centre manager of the Culver Square Shopping Centre and BID director, said: “As the Business Crime Liaison Officer, Vinnie has been a tremendous support for all our tenants when dealing with retail crime.  

“As a BID director, I witness the hard work and pride Vinnie consistently puts in on a daily basis, supporting every business within the Colchester BID zone.  

“It comes as no surprise to me that he has been appointed as the National Ambassador for Ask for Angela, given his unwavering commitment to his role.  

“Well done, Vinnie. It’s well deserved.” 

Mr Geaves has also been involved in delivering the Best Bar None scheme, which helps customers identify well-run pubs, bars and clubs, the Winter of Safety campaigns and Tap2Change in the city centre. 

Lion Walk manager Martin Leatherdale added: “Vinnie works selflessly with partners, including Lion Walk, at the drop of a hat, to ensure customers are safer and feel more comfortable as they visit the city centre.

"Vinnie is a credit to Colchester and an asset to the safety and security of any organisation he engages with."