PLANS for a controversial business park have been put on hold after numerous objections and claims a village could lose its “heritage”.

Colchester Council's planning committee met on Thursday (July 25) to discuss proposals for a new business park in Copford.

The site is on empty land behind AGM House, and the planning application was submitted to Colchester Council by developer LPB Homes.

The business park could be used for offices, shops, cafes or restaurants, and four blocks would be built, with more than 140 car parking spaces.

Location - a street view image of the entrance to AGM House, where the site would be located behindLocation - a street view image of the entrance to AGM House, where the site would be located behind (Image: Google Maps)

In prior planning applications for the 4,250 sq m site, planning permission was given for offices to be built.

At the meeting, Holly Ann Gabote read a prepared statement on behalf of residents of Ford Mews in Copford.

She said: “Let us remind ourselves of what Copford is - a small rural village, largely agricultural, and home to listed buildings.

“The proposal is overshadowing.

Area - a Google Map images taken from the side of AGM HouseArea - a Google Map images taken from the side of AGM House (Image: Google Maps)

“This development will have a detrimental effect on these residents.”

Chartered town planner Robert Pomery represented the applicant.

He said: “It has been demonstrated to the officers’ satisfaction that there is a need for this accommodation in the city.

“Members will appreciate hopefully that this proposal represents a significant investment in Colchester which will attract a new or expanding business to the city.”

Councillor Roger Buston said Copford was a village and it would be a "great shame" if it lost its character.

“We will lose that heritage if we are not careful," he said.

“If permission is granted for this, I am concerned around security at night.

"When all these 141 vehicles all go home, we will have a big empty area with nothing in it.

“Experience shows around the city, what happens to big, empty areas at night.

“They get populated by people driving cars fast.”

Councillor Leigh Tate said: “Is there actually a need for that much office space?”

“I question the need for this size of office space in a rural location.”

The committee voted to defer their decision.

The council will seek changes to the plans, including parking layout and the position of the buildings.

The amended proposals will then go back to the committee.