A RECENTLY launched greenspace will bring many "benefits" an NHS doctor believes.

The wellbeing garden opened onsite at Colchester Hospital, in Turner Road, last Thursday.

This space was a joint project between the Colchester & Ipswich Hospital’s Charity, The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), and the East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT).

ESNEFT's Dr Becca Elson has spent the “last few years" working in anaesthetics and critical care but now does a lot of “sustainability work” as a clinical sustainability lead.

She thinks it is very helpful to have the space.

She said: “I’ve been involved with the garden for all the benefits to the local environment, biodiversity, and also to our patient’s health.

“It’s exciting to see the space come to life.

“There are going to be benefits for staff, we can now come out here on our breaks and have a little bit of respite and connect with nature.

“Patients can come here; families and visitors can come here to relax.

“Also, because the way it has been designed, they can also use it for physio, rehabilitation, so staff can come here with their patients to use the space.

“It really is made for everyone which is lovely.”

“From a personal perspective, everyone knows the last few years has been really busy for the NHS, so to be able to come here, have this beautiful space, we can come here and enjoy that little bit of downtime.”