A COLCHESTER group is sending support across the ocean after a devastating hurricane hit multiple islands and the US. 

Tropical storm, hurricane Beryl, battered multiple Caribbean islands, the Yucatan Peninsula, and Gulf Coast of the United States with winds up to 150mph.

It was declared the strongest-ever hurricane in July, as it broke records tied to climate change.

Colchester Caribbean Group (CCG) is launching a relief effort for several affected islands, including those of Grenada.

Destruction- Clean up efforts have begun after the destruction of Martinique. Destruction- Clean up efforts have begun after the destruction of Martinique. (Image: Alamy/PA)

Marie Charles, one of the directors of CCG, said: “In Grenada, Hurricane Beryl has caused the most severe damage, destroying every culture and leaving much of the island without power and communication.

“Carriacou and Petite Martinique experienced near complete destruction of their complete infrastructure.

“So, we are working with NaDMA to donate care packages to people on these islands.”

Marie continued: “A lot of us have families and friends in the Caribbean, so in the CCG we want to be able to help our wider community abroad if we can.

“It’s quite a privilege to be able to help them from a place of not having to go through a hurricane.”

Team- The community has come together to gather support for the Colchester Caribbean Group. Team- The community has come together to gather support for the Colchester Caribbean Group. (Image: Steph Nissen)

As well as Marie, official partners for the donation centre are Vinnie Geaves from the Business Improvement District (BID) and Stephanie Nissen, with important support from Dave Robertson, the Manager of Culver Square.

Steph Nissen said: “It’s nice when things come together in times of crisis, and to know that we can have a bit of an impact feels really positive.

“I helped the Caribbean Group organise the Windrush celebrations earlier this year, and I knew when the hurricane hit that their families, friends, and homeland had been affected.

“It was really important to me to show that we’re standing with the community in hard times, as well as celebrating their legacy.”

Donations- The Hurricane Beryl Donation Centre is at 7a Culver Square for the next six weeks on Thursday and Saturday afternoons. Donations- The Hurricane Beryl Donation Centre is at 7a Culver Square for the next six weeks on Thursday and Saturday afternoons. (Image: Steph Nissen)

CCG is asking for donations of kitchenware, non-perishable food items and tinned food, oil, rice, sugar and flour, educational material, toiletries and nappies, toys and books, tools, water, bedding, and torches and candles.

Red Cross is already addressing the need for clothing.

Over the next six weeks, donations can be dropped off on Thursday 3pm to 6pm and Saturday 1pm to 5pm, at 7a Culver Square, CO1 1JQ.

 Monetary donations can be made via the Go Fund Me link: https://gofund.me/c5c89cf9