A GP practice has had to close its “books” to new patients wanting to register at the surgery.

Mersea Island Medical Practice in Kingsland Road, West Mersea, has announced its decision to not receive any more patients including temporary visitors.

The announcement comes through new signage which has been placed at the building.

It reads: “Mersea Island Medical Practice have taken the decision that with immediate effect we will be closing our books for new patient registrations.”

The signage also advises to visit the NHS website to find a new GP surgery to register with.

Popular destination - Mersea Island attracts many visitors per yearPopular destination - Mersea Island attracts many visitors per year (Image: Credited)

According to the GP practice's website, the decision has been made because the practice is at "the clinical capacity with the number of patients" it can safely provide medical services to.

Mersea and Pyefleet ward councillor and former mayor of Mersea Carl Powling thinks the practice needs more support and better facilities and is surprised by the decision.

He said: “It is disappointing, we need a good medical practice, with the doctors themselves, what they can and can’t do is controlled by the NHS itself.

“The community is desperate for a new community centre.

“It’s very difficult, we want to get better facilities, the doctors work hard with what they’ve got, we need the support of NHS England.

Disappointed - an image of Councillor Carl Powling when he was mayor last yearDisappointed - an image of Councillor Carl Powling when he was mayor last year (Image: Carl Powling)

“I find it surprising that they’ve made the decision without speaking to local councillors.

“We can’t force them, it is disappointing, but we would like to see negotiations to improve the GP Practice’s facilities.

“It’s not simple, it’s an incredibly complex issue.

“For the general community, with the new developments being built, where will they go, they should be able to have local services on their door.”

Declan Jarvis is a long-time resident of Mersea and thinks that the new home developments being built on the island will be an issue due to the influx of new patients.

He also understands the surgery’s decision to close its books.

Medical - a GP checking a patient's blood pressureMedical - a GP checking a patient's blood pressure (Image: Anthony Devlin/PA Wire)

Declan said: “We already have new build developments going on within our island and community.

“There are other large developments that are waiting for planning permission.

“The Medical Practice has stated on numerous occasions during these planning stages, that they do not have the facilities to be able to cope with this additional number of patients.

“They already have to cover the current 8,000 residents and another 1,000 plus cannot be supported.

“If we then included the additional number of visitors and tourists, our island population increases to 12,000 plus.

Signage - a poster at the medical practiceSignage - a poster at the medical practice (Image: Public)

“I do fully understand and support the Practice for making this decision.

“Our island is at risk of being decimated.”

A spokesman for NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB) has commented on the situation.

They said: “We are aware that some patients wanting to register with Mersea Practice have been told by the surgery that they are not registering new patients.

"We understand this situation may cause some concern. 

"The ICB will continue to engage with the practice and work with them to enable new registrations. 

"If you are a new patient to Mersea Island with an immediate general practice health need and have been unable to register, please contact the ICB Patient Advice Line on 0800 389 6819."