Plans for a 300-home development in Kelvedon have taken a step forward after the land was sold to developers.

The 51.4-acre site to the north of London Road is now owned by Barratt and David Wilson Homes, the country’s largest housebuilder.

The land sale means plans for a mixed-use development, including 300 homes, retail spaces, and community facilities can go ahead.

Planning permission for the project was granted early last year, paving the way for this new wave of homes.

Among the 300 new properties will be 120 affordable homes.

Facilities such as a new health centre, a care home, retail space, and an early years nursery are also included in the proposal.

The development will also feature tree-lined roads, open spaces, and landscape buffers, alongside sustainable drainage and two access points from London Road.

Ben Sinclair, who heads the development team at Savills in Chelmsford, said: "With outline planning permission already in place for a residential-led mixed-use development, there was strong interest in the site.

"Being well-connected in close proximity to the A12 and offering the potential to deliver sustainable growth in the shape of high-quality housing, retail and community uses."

Tom Wright, managing director at Barratt and David Wilson Homes Eastern Counties, added: "Having agreed to purchase the land for the proposed development in Kelvedon, it brings us closer to delivering a range of high-quality homes for property seekers in the area.

"We look forward to progressing the plans for this exciting development."